Support the McCallum Theatre
with an Annual Membership and enjoy exclusive benefits!
Help us bring world-class artistry to our stage, remain a premier theatre with state-of-the-art equipment, and serve close to 40,000 children and teachers across the Coachella Valley every year. Receive special privileges complementing your theatre-going experience. Benefits and recognition are based on giving level.
One of the key benefits to all members is the opportunity for advance ticket buying.
This opportunity happens every year in early Spring during Member Appreciation Week. There are two tiers within Annual Membership: Presidents Circle and Friends Circle.
To Join or Renew, or learn more about the Annual Membership Benefits, click on the buttons under LEARN MORE.
Membership gifts count toward your lifetime-giving to the McCallum Theatre, thus qualifying you for Founders Circle and Benefactors Circle recognition. Your annual membership also counts toward McCallum’s Leadership Circle Program – cumulative donations totaling $25,000 or more in a single fiscal year (August 1st – July 31st).