National Geographic Live
Diving The Great Barrier Reef
Erica Woolsey, Marine Biologist
National Geographic Live
Diving The Great Barrier Reef
Erica Woolsey, Marine Biologist
Once a year, Australia’s most famous reef turns into a snow globe, as millions of coral polyps reproduce to send the next generation afloat. However, this incredible display disguises a harsh truth: The Great Barrier Reef is under attack. More than half of the coral there has died in our lifetimes, with climate change bleaching much of this vast natural landscape. But don’t give up hope! There is still plenty to see and plenty to save in this reef and others around the globe. Discover thousands of species that live in these underwater jungles with marine biologist Dr. Erika Woolsey and find out how scientists and citizens are fighting to protect reefs of the world.
Mon, Mar 31 7:00pm
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Dr. Peter Scheer & Matthias Scheer